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Product Description

Canac Herbal Dog Flea Shampoo 250ml by Sinclair for the control of fleas on dogs and puppies over 12 weeks of age. The product naturally repels fleas and insects and leaves your dogs coat clean and glossy

Contains the naturally occurring essential oil d-Limonene which has been specially selected to repel fleas from your dog.  The unique formulation also contains an ingredient which effectively binds the natural essential oils to the coat remaining effective long after the application.  Your dog will therefore benefit from the effective cleansing action of the shampoo and the pleasant smelling citrus repellent which overcomes unpleasant itching caused by flea bites.


  1. Mix the recommended amount of shampoo with 300ml of lukewarm water
  2. Wet the dog's coat thoroughly with warm water and apply half of the mixture 
  3. Massage well into the coat, using fingertips around the head to avoid the eyes, ears and mouth
  4. Rinse and repeat with the remainder of the mixture working up to a good lather.
  5. Rinse well with lukewarm water and towel dry
  6. Brush and comb thoroughly.  Repeat in 7 days if necessary
  7. Keep your dog indoors until coat is completely dry
  • We also have other useful products available to buy that will help to eliminate fleas on your pet and in your home.  Take a look at our Flea Killer Lamp



Customer Reviews

Canac Herbal Dog Flea Repeller Shampoo 250ml by Sinclair Flea Repellent Shampoo

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Canac Herbal Dog Flea Shampoo 250ml By Sinclair Naturally repels fleas and insects and Leaves coat clean and glossy natural ingredients